About the game
The game is simple, at the start it has chosen a random word and now you have to guess it.
This works by clicking the keys given below the board until the row is filled. You can also use your device's keyboard for this game.
Afterwards you can press the "Enter " -key and the game will check
if your word matches the one it's chosen. The checking process will give you visual hints based on how well the guess went.
the hints are as follows:
The yellow outlines
The tile that "lights up" as yellow means that, that specific letter can be found in the chosen word, but isn't in the right place.
So try changing the letter's place and consider what words that letter could be used in!
The green outlines
The tile that "lights up" green indicates that the letter you have inputted in that tile is in the right place and matches a letter in the chosen word.
So keep on guessing that letter in the place it is and consider what words might have that letter in the specific spot.